Today had so much stuff I don't even know where to begin. I was officially served a subpoena by a process server! So weird...I must admit I was disappointed when she didn't say "you've been served!" like they do on Law & Order (which I just so happen to be watching as I type this!). It looks like I will be testifying in court on the 27th. It's so scary and official sounding, but I think it's actually pretty simple. It's not about anything huge, just special ed funding for a former student. At least I have a sub day that I don't have to feel guilty about taking. It's a court ordered day off of school. I may bribe my kids into being good for the sub...Time to think of a good reward!
Then I found out I have not one but two shadow students this week! For those who don't know, students "shadow" by joining my class for a day to test out the school since we are a private school and don't take every student. I don't have an aide, so it's a matter of seeing if these kids can handle a class without an aide to help them all day like many have had in a mainstream public school class. I've learned shadow days are always crazy and I should wear my running shoes! At least half of the time I have to chase them down because they run away. I lucked out by having my last 4 go awesomely, so I know my luck is bound to run out eventually!
Two of my students had big blow ups today. Thankfully I've gotten used to this happening after long weekends and I wasn't the least bit surprised. Luckily, one was able to turn it around by the end of the day and in fact was good for more than half the day. Crossing my fingers both those kids are having good days tomorrow while the shadow is there. More than anything visiting kids have no idea what is going on, so I need to explain all of our routines as we do them, and it's hard with a kid is acting up.

My fun stuff of the day was the turkey color by number. Oh TPT how I love you!! Did I mention this was a freebie I found today?! These little kinder kids are whipping through my curriculum crazy fast and I keep needing to supplement new and more challenging material for them. They did 2 days worth of reading work this morning because each time they finished a task they begged for more! A teacher's dream! I wanted you to check out their cute little turkeys, but blogger keeps crashing on me when I try to upload the pic! Does anyone else have trouble lately? I've had tons of blogger problems for the past week.
Anyway...I'm also having a sale to celebrate!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The last time I was absent, I bribed my kids with ipads. Worked like a charm!
ReplyDeleteChristy :)
Mrs. Christy’s Leaping Loopers
I totally was watching Law & Order tonight too! I've entered your giveaway and I am your newest follower! :)
ReplyDeleteKimberly Ann
Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten